About US 2
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Category: Custom Pages
Published: 04 February 2013
Hits: 4315
Our Team is made by very talented people and they all share one thing: The Love for success!
El-Sewedy Electrical Enterprise is an independent company that has shown continued strength and success over the years. We provide a 'Turn Key Project' for control and electrical power engineering solutions to a number of major clients across a variety of industry sectors in Egypt.
El-Sewedy Electrical Enterprise is able to offer a comprehensive range of services from control system design, integration, retrofitting and development, through control panel manufacturing, distribution panels, test and field installation, to commissioning, customer training and supplying spare parts.
El-Sewedy Electrical Enterprise has always maintained a strong relationship with suppliers and partners alike. This allows us to consistently keep up to date with the latest technologies, enabling the best possible service and support to be passed on to our customers.
El-Sewedy Electrical Enterprise has earned a reputation as one of the most reliable and professional Automation Engineering companies throughout its existing client base. Over many years and a great number of projects, our record of accomplishment demonstrates that we have the skill and resources to design and deliver systems on any level, from Turn-key Automation projects to simple control applications.
Our Team
Our Team is made by very talented people and they all share one thing: The Love for success!
Reda El-Sewedy
Chairman on boardJohan Stan
General Executive ManagerSusan Cambler
Technical depart. ManagerLucenzo Di Michele
Sales depart. ManagerKimberly Spenzer
Chairman on board secretaryOlivia Madison
2 Company SecretaryKimberly Spenzer
3 Accounts for import & LogisticKimberly Spenzer
3 Account for financialKimberly Spenzer
8 Technical EngineerKimberly Spenzer
8 Sales Engineers & Marketing SectorsLocation